
Hands Over EP


Buy: Juno

Sometimes time is running within music business. Exactely one year ago we settled our plans and brought our result to an end – we created Mooose Records as our own little platform. This platform has been so far a place for unknown artist to release music and to raise attention as well as a place for more known acts that also contributed within the last 12 months. Of course, since we are celebrating our first birthday, there will be a release as well in September, this time produced and contributed by JENN. But since we – like everybody else – only once celebrate our first birthday, we have something special in back: As usual the EP will be released digital. Additionally this EP will be released as a small 2 track A-side vinyl series as well – for the first time in our short history! Out around 19th of September 2011. The digital release will be mid October! All together we received 3 tracks by JENN, whereof Hands over and Jalase will be on vinyl and The last sweep will be a digital bonus.

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