prince monaco-facelift_soul clap_altroverso


1. Prince Monaco – The Way She Goes
2. Prince Monaco – Love Now!
3. Prince Monaco – Spending All My Money


Prince Monaco is the musical lovechild of Baby Prince and Nick Monaco. It was born into existence in Spring 2015 at the now defunct Marcy Hotel in Brooklyn.

This project was a part of the last musical recordings created there, which holds a special place in our hearts.

In Nick Monaco’s words:

“At the time Gadi (Baby Prince) and I weren’t interested in making dance music, instead we were diving into punk/industrial.

We locked ourselves in the Marcy for an entire week. At one point we set up the TV next to the studio and had the movie ‘The Lost Boys’ playing in the background, so we ended up effectively making our own soundtrack to that movie (bright ideas you get when you’re high).

I think this music captures the angst and mania of that period before the Marcy shut down in a really raw and sincere way.”


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